Quite a lot has happened since I last posted, the main one being that my other half Gordon had his leg broken (kicked by a horse, not the horses fault I hasten to add!!) so the last three months have seen me up to my neck in it... Oh well.. Gordon has finally recovered well enough to go back to part time work this week - thank goodness- Its a measure I suppose as to how bad the injury was that it took so long to heal as he has carried on working with various broken bones in the past.. Hey Ho..
So I have been busy doing quite a bit of the horse related work, including backing the lovely Sunny one of our home bred horses. He has now gone off to a really lovely home in Somerset where I hope he will be everything his new owner dreams of.

First up, "Al Kabir" a gorgeous pure bred arabian stallion owned by Val Price West of "White Hill Equine" Val sells horse supplements such as seaweed and garlic, as well as original equestrian art and a fantastic selection of cards and prints - including mine! - from her website www.whitehillequine.co.uk and her trade stand which visits shows throughout Wales. I recommend a visit to both!
"Al Kabir"

This next picture is called "Heads of Spain" These two noble horses were part of a parade in the middle of Granada in Spain, over one hundred and fifty ridden stallions filled the streets, a breathtaking spectacle, the Spanish riders wear traditional costume and many are superb horsemen (and women!) There are many more paintings in the pipeline of Spanish horses and their riders, I will post them as they are completed.

This next painting was inspired by a girl I saw working closely with her horse in Golega in Portugal.
"Girl with a Pearl Earring" The title is a nod to the master artist Vermeer, one of his most famous paintings has this title, the earring is much more obvious in Vermeer's picture though!

Finally, as always, I return to my cobs! This action painting shows threeWelsh Cob stallions with their handlers vying for the Judge's attention at Lampeter Stallion Show.

I will be back soon with up to date pics and news of my Spanish colt Doncel, who is growing like a weed and looks fab! Can't wait until November when he finally comes home to Wales!!